Company’s History and Philosophy
Phyto CZ, Ltd. was founded in the autumn of 2000. Since the beginning, our company has focused on spreading the results of the scientific and research activities of Albert Y. Leung, Ph.D. holder of prestigious award from the University of Michigan

Since 2001, the company has been importing and selling an excellent, timeless herbal preparation (herbal tonic), called PhytoChi®, produced by Phyto CZ, Ltd. together with Albert Y. Leung, Ph.D. The Czech Republic was the first country in Europe to start selling PhytoChi®. Phyto CZ, s.r.o. has been the exclusive importer and producer of PhytoChi® not only into the Czech Republic but also into member countries of the European Union since 2011.
In October 2008, Phyto CZ, s.r.o. began to present itself as a trading and training company, selling the timeless herbal preparation PhytoChi®. We want to convince people, in a professional and attractive manner, to use PhytoChi® to protect their health. Our motto is: Learn, with us, to understand your health. Our interest is for people to stop being dependent on medicines and fate, and adopt an active approach to their health.
Since 2009, our company has promoted the use of the Phyto-True™ technology, which has a patent pending.
In April 2010, Phyto CZ, s.r.o., together with Mr. Albert Y. Leung, set up Phyto True, LLC in the USA. This company pursues the research of Chinese herbs and a practical application of the idea of Phyto True™ technology. Our aim is to introduce to manufacturing, business and inspection practices the standards of Chinese herbs called PTRM™, which are associated with a long tradition of their use. Products made under these PTRM™ standards meet legislative requirements of the European Commission (2004/24/ES) and can be categorized as traditional herbal remedies. Patent of this technology is currently being registered all over the world on three continents, especially in Europe.
In 2010 and 2011, Phyto CZ, s.r.o. prepared conducting a clinical study (in the project Evidence-Based Medicine) which aims to demonstrate the positive effects of the herbal blend (herbal tonic) PhytoChi® on the human organism through the Phyto-True™ technology. We are trying to obtain a medical certificate and distinguish PhytoChi® from common dietary supplements by registering it as a traditional herbal remedy. In this way, we want to promote its wider use in society for enhancing health.
Since 2011, Phyto CZ, s.r.o. is no longer just a business company specializing in the research of Chinese herbs, but also a company which manufactures natural preparations made from traditional Chinese herbs. In October 2011 we started the production of herbal tonic in Czech Republic together with Albert Y. Leung. Phyto CZ represents the manufacturing and business interests of Albert Y. Leung in all of Europe. The building of an all-European business network started in 2011 (mainly in Slovakia and in Poland).
In April 2012, we accomplished trademark registration of "Dragon PhytoChi" within whole European Union and Phyto CZ, s.r.o. became the owner of this trademark.
In 2015, our company Phyto CZ in cooperation with Dr. Albert Y. Leung has started production of new herbal supplements. The following year Phyto CZ introduced new product - PhytoKudzu. Product "PhytoKudzu" helps regeneration, detoxication, enhances hepatic activity, reduces headaches and migraines, helps during menopause and chronic fatigue.
In 2018 our company Phyto CZ, together with Dr. Albert Y. Leung, was granted European patent on Phyto True Technology on 4th July 2018. Patent was granted on manufacturing standards of Chinese herbs with highest quality and effectiveness in accordance with Traditional Chinese medicine. Dr Albert Y. Leung‘s research within this field was awarded with above mentioned patent No. 2185167 after 10 years of negotiations with European Patent Office. We are proud to announce that all the opponents from professional public labelled our Chinese herbs‘ manufacturing process „Phyto True Technology“ as unique. Being granted by European patent shows that quality of our herbal products is of very high standard and has not changed since year 2000. We manufacture fair product and we do it different from other manufacturers. Therefore, our long-term effort has been recognized by European patent.
Phyto CZ Ltd. is a czech company without any participation from foreign companies. The company passed the 2012 year financial audit and increased the capital to 2,000.000, – CZK. The company owners are from April 2012 gentlemen´s:
Ing. Václav Tomek, Ing. Jan Matyska